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The Mobile Phone: I have no clue how exactly it works. I punch in your personal number and talk to you over the air, no matter where you are. I can hear your voice loud and clear.


The all-knowing part in you: Call it as you like. Your Higher Self, Superconscious, Heart Energy, Subconscious. It is with this part of you that I connect myself (phone) and enter into communication.


The body: My experience is that our body only shows us symptoms, but the cause lies mainly in our soul, cells, in the energetic, ethereal body, in the subconscious. There we store experiences, beliefs, feelings, pain and also issues from the past and previous lives. These memories prevent us from reacting to situations in a light-hearted and unencumbered manner.


The Computer: A human being is like a hard drive and stores good as well as negative data just anywhere on the body, mind, energy or emotional level.  These are all your hidden files. Is the hard drive to full, the computer slows down and finally blocks completely. In comparison the human being subsequently becomes tired or drained, indecisive, gets pains, feels remot controlled and somehow does not get on in life, reacts inappropriately to situations, sometimes does not understand himself and is obstructed in many ways.

So if you have a problem with your computer, you call the IT technician and give him remote access. He will fix the blockages in the background and remove all the viruses and foreign attacks that block and make your computer slow. When he has solved the problem, he logs out again.


The modification:

  • I search for your hidden files by connecting with your all-knowing part. From this part I let myself be led to the causes and the origin of your complaints, blockages, pains, memories and imprints from the present/childhood/earlier life, pointless beliefs, behavioral patterns and values, inherited family histories, foreign energies, foreign attacks, etc.
  • At the origin I search for the information, what you should learn from the situation in question. Because we humans learn only through the cognition or the process of experience. So if you recognize "why", you can save yourself many a arduous experience.
  • On this unconscious, deepest level of the human being we will now dissolve, edit, reprogram or delete the imprints that obstruct you or cause the complaints. 
  • Through the use of targeted and concentrated energy, the self-healing process is set in motion. Your life will become more content, smooth and harmonious. 

Of course you are fully conscious during everything I do and your all-knowing part ony reveals as much as you are also able to handle.


The advantage of this gentle but effective technique

You no longer have to regulate your issues and the desired changes in your life with your mind power. It is my job to remove your blockage at the source and bring you into the right vibration. By dissolving and removing the blockages from all levels, the process of change is set in motion on its own. Your responsibility is to remain open to the change. To be open to the new possibilities that present themselves to you and to allow yourself to behave differently than before.

This work in the vibrational field of your soul is extremely effective. We can resolve so many issues and memories in one session where you need 8 - 10 sessions elsewhere.


Since energy is not bound to time or space, there are various possibilities to work on your issues.


Mindfulness for yourself is a key word. Because it may change not only what you came to me for but also other, non-central issues can disappear and make your life easier.


I look forward to accompanying you to your freedom.